– Drinking cold brew out of my Grandma’s tea set, it really is the little things –

-For Valentine’s I painted some butcher paper with some X’s and O’s to make a festive table runner and I loved how it turned out! Another favorite is this bouquet of flower from the husband, I need to work on my keeping plants alive/flower arranging skills but having fresh flowers around is a definite mood booster! –

-I’ve fallen victim to the beaded bracelet trend, I got this one as a gift for Christmas and think it’s just the cutest! This brand is family owned and Made in the USA, which I love to support. –

AH TGIF! I thought this week was never going to end ha! I’m thankful for a relaxing weekend ahead, the husband and I plan to stay in for Valentine’s and make some chocolate covered strawberries, I’ve been craving them for weeks! Are you planning to stay in or go out? I’m now in my third trimester of pregnancy which I think explains me running around rearranging and organizing everything in my house, it’s been so fun to search Pinterest and get more into home decor and organization. I’ve also been very into baking and these cookies are in the oven right now and I can’t wait to see if they turn out.

Thank you for stopping by, have a great weekend!

xx Laney

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